1.Given this reach, I knew Kroll could hire someone with a medical background, legal training, or at least some familiarity with Ecuador.
2.Could you hire someone to come in and help him for a few hours each day, or could adjustments in the house help prevent another fall?
3.In other words, they need to think about how easy it is to hire someone just like you, and how much you'll expect to be paid.
4.If all they needed was a code robot, it would be easy to hire someone in another country to do that kind of work.
5.But he realized that he had no business knowledge at all, so he decided that he would have to hire someone to run the business.
6.And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store.
7.Nobody wants to hire someone who's going to run for the door when times get better.
8.After a business grows, an entrepreneur might be able to hire someone to worry about the details.
9.My mother said, "I really need to hire someone to run a second camera, or at least hold a boom mike. "
10.I'm looking to hire someone to help me complete the application in the next couple weeks.